Cerumen in your ears? Here's why the use of cotton buds is not recommended


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Cotton swabs are lightweight plastic sticks with small, stiffened cotton balls at the ends. They are commonly known as ear cleaning tools, but be cautious as their use is not without risks and offers very few benefits. Let's find out why their use is discouraged.

Although they may not appear capable of causing harm to the ear, cotton swabs are actually one of the main causes of perforated eardrums.

A team of researchers led by Ilaaf Darrat at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit analyzed over 1,500 patients diagnosed with eardrum perforation and treated at their hospital between 2001 and 2010. In over 50 percent of cases, the injury was caused by improper use of cotton swabs. This study, presented at an otolaryngology conference held in Chicago, scientifically demonstrates the correlation between improper use of cotton swabs and the incidence of eardrum perforation.

However, this is not the only reason why it is best to avoid using cotton swabs to remove earwax from the ear canal. In fact, incorrect use of cotton swabs risks pushing the earwax further inside, making it more compact and even contributing to the formation of a wax blockage. We may feel like we have done a good job because we see the tip of the swab getting dirty. Yes, we may have removed a small amount of earwax, but we have pushed much more inside.

We have seen that the use of cotton swabs can contribute to the formation of potential wax blockages, can even damage the eardrum and cause irritation and burning. So, what are cotton swabs for and why should we use them?

Let us reveal that cotton swabs are indeed designed for cleaning only the outer part of the ear, commonly known as the auricle. By using them only in this area and with gentleness, the risks are minimized for both adults and children.

EAR Product Line

Ear Cone Otosan

For ear hygiene, promotes the removal of impurities and excess earwax.

Otosan Ear Cone arose from the rediscovery of a traditional ear hygiene method, called auricular thermotherapy, a gentle technique with ancient origins.

Enhanced with innovative safety and comfort devices, the Otosan Ear Cone is a natural, practical, safe and effective device, which, through beneficial heat and a chimney effect, helps to eliminate impurities and excess earwax from the ear.

Available in packs of 2 cones and 6 cones (convenience size).

Autorizzazione Ministero della Salute del 29.05.12

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6 Cones - 2 Cones

It is a CE medical device.
Read the instructions for use carefully.

EAR Product Line

Ear Drops Otosan

For ear protection and cleansing, promotes removal of impurities and excess earwax.

Respect for nature goes hand in hand with respect for our own body. This is why Otosan carries out ongoing research on new products to improve people’s well-being.

The Otosan Ear Drops, which arose from this constant commitment, are prepared using organic essential oils, propolis and blackcurrant and help to:

  • soothe skin redness and irritation;
  • cleanse the ear canal;
  • remove excess earwax;
  • protect the ear.

Autorizzazione Ministero della Salute del 29.05.12

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It is a CE medical device.
Read the instructions for use carefully.

EAR Product Line

Ear Spray Otosan

For daily ear hygiene, with moisturizing factor. Promotes cleanliness.

Otosan Spray® with organic plant extracts is an innovative product for removing earwax and for daily ear hygiene. It provides a gentle but effective action for cleaner and healthier ears because it eliminates excess wax from the ear canal and, if used regularly, prevents wax formation.

Free from artificial colourings and preservatives, it guarantees high levels of tolerance.

Autorizzazione Ministero della Salute del 29.05.12

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It is a CE medical device.
Read the instructions for use carefully.

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