Spring allergies: here are the causes and the flowering calendar


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Spring allergies for some are "just" a bearable nuisance, for others a real life sentence. One thing is certain, allergies nowadays are an increasingly common plague, to the point of affecting one in three people. The spectrum of possibilities of being an allergy sufferer is very wide, although the best known and most common case certainly involves pollens.

Spring allergies

And it is precisely at this time of year that for many people tree blossoms translate into days of suffering, amid tears, sneezing and hankies. Out of every 100 allergy sufferers, at least 70 are pollen sufferers, precisely individuals with hypersensitivity to pollen.The main allergen for the respiratory tract is Gramineae pollen: this group includes an "army" of more than 12,000 herbaceous species, most of which are cross-reactive with each other. Avoiding them is virtually impossible: they are spread all over the world and release huge quantities of pollen into the air.

POLLUTION. Added to this is climate change and environmental pollution, especially in relation to the increase in ozone, nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and hydrocarbons, which have been directly implicated in the increase in respiratory allergies. In particular, ozone has been shown to increase pollen allergenicity and induce airway inflammation. Fine particulate matter (PM 2.5) from diesel engines and industry has been correlated with increased asthma and respiratory disease. Finally, the increase in atmospheric levels of CO2 implicated in global warming should be taken into account.

THE CALENDAR of blooms. This explains why the number of allergy sufferers increases, at any age. That's why it can be useful to know the calendar of blooms, and of the consequent release of pollen into the air, which differs according to latitude. You can view it below.

Otosan has been addressing the problem of allergies for years with an entire line of products for the well-being of the nose. Natural products, in line with the company's philosophy, that intervene locally by sanitizing the nasal passages, helping to reduce congestion, inflammation and the incidence of infections, and therefore help to bring rapid relief.

Click here to discover the entire Otosan Line for a Breathing Nose.

Fonte: www.anallergo.it

Linea NOSE

Parche Aromático Natural Otosan

Alivia los síntomas de la congestión nasal de forma rápida y natural.

Los Balsamic Patch Otosan son los nuevos parches naturales de aromaterapia que, aplicados directamente a la ropa o a los objetos que nos rodean, liberan progresivamente sus Vapores Activos beneficiosos para las vías respiratorias.

Idóneos para adultos y niños a partir de los 3 años de edad, alivian los síntomas de la congestión nasal y favorecen el correcto paso del aire por las vías respiratorias, tanto de día como durante el reposo nocturno.

Paquete de 7 parches.

Autorizzazione Ministero della Salute del 29.05.12

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Linea NOSE

Nasal Spray Baby Otosan

Promueve la expulsión del exceso de mucosidad, ayudando a reducir la congestión e inflamación nasal.

Como resultado de nuestra continua investigación en el campo de la otorrinolaringología, Otosan® Nasal Spray Baby es un descongestionante nasal con ingredientes de origen vegetal cuya formulación delicada lo convierte en un producto indicado para pacientes en edad pediátrica.

No contiene sustancias vasoconstrictoras ni gases propulsores.

Autorizzazione Ministero della Salute del 29.05.12

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Es un producto sanitario CE.
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Linea NOSE

Nasal Spray Otosan

Spray nasal natural con acción descongestionante útil para despejar la nariz tapada.

Otosan® Nasal Spray nace a partir de nuestro compromiso, cada vez más profundo, para realizar productos con base vegetal que puedan brindar una respuesta a varios trastornos otorrinolaringológicos que, a menudo, afectan la nariz y el oído a la vez.

Autorizzazione Ministero della Salute del 29.05.12

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Es un producto sanitario CE.
Leer las instrucciones de uso con atención.

Linea NOSE

Nasal Wash Otosan

Lavado nasal ideal para la higiene diaria de la nariz y como tratamiento de alergias, resfriados y sinusitis.

Otosan® Nasal Wash indicado para:

  • congestión nasal;
  • resfríos o rinitis alérgica;
  • sinusitis aguda y crónica;
  • rinitis hipertrófica durante el embarazo;
  • ronquidos nocturnos;
  • estancias en ambientes secos o contaminados;
  • exposiciones a humos y agentes irritantes;
  • operaciones quirúrgicas (preoperatorio y postoperatorio);
  • limpieza cotidiana de las fosas nasales.

Mantener libre y limpia la nariz, en contacto constate con una gran cantidad de alérgenos, impurezas y polvos contaminantes, es el primer paso para prevenir alteraciones en la mucosa nasal (nariz tapada, picor, sequedaz) y permitir que el aire pase correctamente por las vías respiratorias.

Autorizzazione Ministero della Salute del 29.05.12

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Es un producto sanitario CE.
Leer las instrucciones de uso con atención.

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