A new look for Otosan Ear Cone

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Forlì, 5th December 2017 – A new look for Otosan Ear Cone has been designed. This in order to align the packaging appearance of the different Otosan lines of products and to enhance the strong brand identity of the company.

Green is the color chosen to represent the line of products for the well-being of the ears: it reminds nature and relief, two key concepts for the company.

The “ear-coning girl”, symbol of the Otosan Ear Cone, is still shown on the pack. The brand image remains easily recognizable, but in a more up-to-date look. The Ear Cone arose from the rediscovery of a traditional ear hygiene method. It helps to eliminate excess earwax and it contributes to restoring ear pressure through auricular thermotherapy and its “chimney effect”.

This technique was used among many ancient civilizations, such as the Aztecs, the Greeks, the Romans and the ancient Egyptians. In more recent times, this method has been used in Italy, Spain, Romania and Asia.

Otosan Ear Cone is a global leader in its field, and it is sold in more than 30 countries.

Linea para el OIDO

Cono Otosan

Para la higiene de los oídos, favorece la eliminación de las impurezas y el exceso de cerumen.

El cono Otosan nace a partir del redescubrimiento de un método tradicional para la limpieza de los oídos, la termoterapia auricular, una técnica delicada con un antiguo origen.

Perfeccionado con los dispositivos para la seguridad y el confort más innovadores, el cono Otosan es un sistema natural, práctico, seguro y eficaz que, gracias a los resultados benéficos del calor y al efecto chimenea, favorece la eliminación de las impurezas y el exceso de cerumen de los oídos.

Autorizzazione Ministero della Salute del 29.05.12

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