Auriculotherapy as a technique to reduce anxieties and ailments


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Auriculotherapy originated in France in 1950 by Paul Nogier, a physician who was also interested in osteopathy and Chinese medicine. After extensive studies, he mapped all the organs and skeletal muscle system on the ear, thus reproducing a small man, also called a homunculus, on the auricle. In fact, if you look closely, the shape of the ear can represent the figure of a squatting man, with the earlobe acting as a head.

Basically, auriculotherapy is based on the stimulation of specific points in the outer ear, either through acupuncture needles or through massage, in order to benefit the whole body. In fact, just like acupuncture, auriculotherapy locates points on the ear to be stimulated for therapeutic purposes, to the extent that it is used to diagnose diseases of the body and treat pain, addiction and various physical ailments.

Auriculotherapy: fields of application

Its fields of application are numerous: auricular therapy is used to monitor pain, all kinds of addictions (in particular, to smoking, food, and alcohol), physical and emotional disorders, and a variety of other problems.

Looking at the map of the ear devised by Dr. Nogier, one can see how the various vital organs correspond to a point in the ear. Using ear massage, one can then stimulate the different organs, promoting the circulation of energy throughout the body, decreasing stress and combating anxiety attacks. In fact, the benefits of this practice are not only physical but also psychological.

The Otosan ear cone

To the benefits of this practice refers the treatment with the Otosan auricular cone, a natural remedy that has its roots in history, with traces of its use already among American Indians, in ancient Chinese medicine and more recently in the countryside of Romagna, Veneto and Sicily. The cone made of natural fabric and wax should be introduced, from the thinner side, into the ear while lighting the top, which, as it burns, releases heat toward the inside of the ear. The heat given off by the cone immediately gives a feeling of well-being, comparable perhaps only to a massage.

Increased blood flow and the resulting mollification and discharge of earwax make it a valuable tool for personal hygiene and to counteract annoying buzzing and impurities.

Linea para el OIDO

Cono Otosan

Para la higiene de los oídos, favorece la eliminación de las impurezas y el exceso de cerumen.

El cono Otosan nace a partir del redescubrimiento de un método tradicional para la limpieza de los oídos, la termoterapia auricular, una técnica delicada con un antiguo origen.

Perfeccionado con los dispositivos para la seguridad y el confort más innovadores, el cono Otosan es un sistema natural, práctico, seguro y eficaz que, gracias a los resultados benéficos del calor y al efecto chimenea, favorece la eliminación de las impurezas y el exceso de cerumen de los oídos.

Autorizzazione Ministero della Salute del 29.05.12

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Linea para el OIDO

Gotas Auriculares Otosan

Para la protección y limpieza de los oídos, favorece la eliminación de las impurezas y el exceso de cerumen.

El respeto por la naturaleza empieza con el respeto por el propio cuerpo. Por este motivo, en Otosan nos dedicamos a la búsqueda continua de nuevos productos para mejorar el bienestar de las personas. Como resultado de este compromiso constante hemos obtenido las gotas auriculares, un producto formulado con aceites esencialesprópolis y ribes nigrum que ayuda a:

  • aliviar el enrojecimiento y las irritaciones cutáneas;
  • higienizar el oído;
  • proteger los oídos devolviendo el equilibrio fisiológico;
  • eliminar el exceso de cerumen.

Autorizzazione Ministero della Salute del 29.05.12

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Linea para el OIDO

Spray Auricular Otosan

Para la higiene diaria de los oídos, con factor de hidratación. Favorece la limpieza.

Otosan Spray® con extractos de plantas de cultivo ecológico, es un producto innovador para la eliminación del cerumen y la higiene cotidiana de los oídos. Cumple una acción delicada y eficaz y permite una mejor limpieza auricular ya que libera el conducto auricular del exceso de cerumen y, si se usa regularmente, previene su formación.

No contiene colorantes ni conservantes artificiales para brindar una mayor tolerancia.

Autorizzazione Ministero della Salute del 29.05.12

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Es un producto sanitario CE.
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